Norway Fjords... one of my most favorite places on earth. I am so privileged to have been able to see this part of God's creation... I am also so very grateful to God for giving us such a sweet and wonderful friend in Irene, a long time member in our church who now lives in Sweden. She graciously took us to see the Fjords and other parts of Norway when we were on vacation the summer before last. I have so many fantastic photos that it is taking me a long time to go through each one and run them through my photo enhancers.
What was so very encouraging was the vibrant Evangelical Christian movement in that region of the world. We attended a "tent meeting" in the town we stayed in with our host. There is a genuine moving of the Holy Spirit in the Scandinavian countries. There is a huge traditional "state church" movement, and it seems to be more cultural than anything, but there are real, genuine believers who want to make a difference in their communities for Christ. It was really neat to meet other believers who were excited about the Lord!
Any comments on the photo?