Saturday, May 2, 2009

Adventures in Sitting

Probably most of us have gone to meetings of one sort or another, where the object is to see if you can survive 12 hours of sitting still and listening or reading (or both). Denominational meetings are like that. A certain weariness sets in after the first 9 hours... it seems that all the pages start looking the same, and the discussion sounds like your mother singing to you, putting you to sleep for the night after tucking you in. You doze, and open your eyes and more papers have grown in the empty space on the table. There are important things discussed, and welcomed 'breaks', but it still does not take away from the problem of the human body not being built for sitting for that long of a time for several days...

OK, I know there are some who enjoy the banter and 'eat up' the procedural stuff, and Robert's Rules of Order sits right next to their Bibles. That's OK... 'more power to them.' For me, it's an exercise in endurance.