The sun was hot... the sand was hotter than the sun,
We went from sun-soaked sand to cool refreshing water.
You were our own personal life-guard,
Seriously studying the surging water...counting heads.
Ocean breezes caress our brows,
Memories flash and form in this love filled room,
Thinking back to that magical moment,
Every time I smell the Ocean.
You held my hand tight as we raced down the beach
So we would be the first to cross the imaginary finish line.
We slept on the way home...
Too tired to traumatize our siblings.
Those moments on the beach... frozen in my memory...
Like a picture-postcard! Precious...Inviting.
You made those moments possible,
And I am grateful.
The beach... not just a place...
But an encounter with time and tender thoughts....
An accumulation of memories of good times with you.
You wanted us to be happy... and we were...
And I am happy at this moment
as I see you smiling on the beach.
By Richard D Harris
This piece is a tribute to my mother... and to all mothers who did all they could to make summer memories for their children. Those memories live on... and fill our lives with joy.