It's been a while since my last post, so I am back now.
Life is good. We face all sorts of circumstances in life that create multi-faceted situations that either depress us, or send us 'thru-the-roof' with unexplained joy. Not every day can be a happy day. Things go wrong, things happen... and just 'things.' There are so many variables for whether we have a good day or bad day. Jerry Bridges, a Christian writer talks about this in his books. Whether you are having a "good day" or "bad day" God is still in charge, and He will use you to glorify His Holy Name even though you 'feel' like you will never be able serve him. It's on a "day-to-day" basis for most Christians. And my opinion is that is the way it should be... "daily walking close to thee..." (Just a Closer Walk). We worry too much about how we "feel"... and don't worry enough about living moment to moment. OK, I had a few bad days this month. I felt disconnected and maybe even a little bit 'on my own'. But that 'feeling' is just that - a 'feeling' - a momentary splash of emotion, physical symptoms, and mental attitude. That's what 'feelings' are. They are temporary. It is only God who who is not affected by these fleeting human characteristics. (Except, of course, Jesus in His humanity). So, we accept our human-ness and realize that one day may have more emotional/spiritual/physical challenges than another. But at the same time, we have a supernatural God to intervene and bring us back to reality.
OK, feelings are important - mainly because they are such a large part of our lives. But we need to check our feelings against the backdrop of God's love and mercy. We look at 'yesterday' and rest in God that He will lead us through the crazy forest of life.... and we WILL come into a "wide space".