Wednesday, June 16, 2010

You need new strings on your guitar...

"New Strings"

Little adjustments
Force the instrument
To Sing a different song

Strings argue
With me
Fighting back

Sound rings
Notes rise
In tune

Harmony comes hard
With newly born strings
Crying out in pain

Music flows
Over my heart
Past my soul

R D Harris

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Oil Spill.... and your Heart

The oil spill is beyond comprehension now.

People in the gulf area are suffering, and will suffer in job losses, and in may other ways. We add our prayers to those already engaged in the 'great prayer' for the Gulf. Pictures of the sludge and the dead wildlife are truly heartbreaking.

I don't want to be overly dramatic in using this as an illustration.... but...

Isn't sin a lot like the oil spill? It runs deep underwater and surfaces eventually to create a gooey slime that is dangerous to clean up and continues to stink even after the visible goop is in plastic bags. It also damages the sea floor so that once fertile seafood production areas are now going to be dead for a long time. Sin is gooey stuff!

We don't like to think about it. For the people in the gulf, many can smell the strong, sickening odor every time they go outside... it follows them around- sticks to their clothes. Sin does that too. It follows us around and wants to stick to our clothes! Multiple washings don't do the trick. Hamlet couldn't wash his hands enough either!

OK, so what do we do now.

It is not as easy as 'wishing' the oil to go away. The reaction of some in the government is to want to kick something! But that 'ain't' going to work. It will take something far larger than good intentions and crocodile tears. It will take something BIG to contain this sinful sludge in our hearts. Only the GRACE of God will clean you up and get rid of the odor of sin in your life! It is only reliance upon the Sovereign God to take away my sin that will finally set me free from it's gooeyness. For believing Christians this is a daily exercise in faith and repentance. It is the only way to be clean and whole. By coming to Christ in sorrow for your sin, and faith working in your heart, by his Sovereign grace, we have "peace with God." And our oil spill is contained!