Monday, July 26, 2010

Norway... cool shot

I just can't get away from looking at my Norway pics! This shot is on the top of a mountain looking down into the valley below from an observer's viewing area. I have several other shots like this and it seems that all you have to do is point your camera in the right direction and you get a beautiful picture. I did crop this a little, and it came out even more interesting. I did not "adjust" colors etc. The bus ride to the top was quite scary. Hair-pin turns in a rather large bus, with cars coming down the mountain. and passengers looking out the bus window almost straight down, remarking in numerous indistinguishable languages... expressions of fright! My favorite English phrase was "oh boy!" But we made it to the top, and the riders gave the bus driver a spontaneous round of applause. Truly, it was a memorable trip!
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Thursday, July 8, 2010



Harold came of age
during the depression.

Never idle.
No bread lines...

Foundry work.

Never groused...
Kept shoveling.

Wry wit,
Winking eye...

Self made,
Slept well.

Short on words,
Tall in humor,

Story teller...
Over and over.

Loved life,
Loved his wife

Lonely in time,
Longing for Heaven.

Once happy...
Happy once more.


Harold was a remarkable and simple man. He was humorous, lovable and always joking. This quiet man made a huge impression on my heart.