Our church has a unique ministry to the men of the Market Street Mission in Morristown NJ. We have a service and dessert night once or twice a year, mostly at our church, but this time at the Mission.
Our church family makes the desserts and provides the venue for a great evening of music and fellowship with people we would probably never have a chance to rub shoulders with. I see this as a great opportunity to have our church folks get to interact with the homeless and addicted, and build bridges with the "outcasts" of our society and show them that there are people in the church that do care, and want to serve them. The service is composed of music that we sing, and some that the men of the mission sing every day in their chapel. It is such a delight to hear and participate with them as they sing their hearts out with music we are not familiar with. It is truly a 'cross-cultural' experience. I am so proud to be part of this church that has opened it's doors and hearts to the 'weakest' among us.
As you can see in the photo there is a lot of literal 'shoulder rubbing' going on.