23 Mayer Ave
Buffalo, New York
"Ricky", My Dad and Mom -Walter and Dorothy, and Grandma Jenny Harris
I have no idea what the occasion was, if any. I am guessing my brother Walt was behind the camera.
Notice the coverage of the flash - the old blue bulb with the strands of filaments inside that burst into flame when you pressed the shutter button. Judging from the size of the image, I am thinking it was a brownie camera with flash attachment.
The original photo is on deckle edge paper with high gloss finish that crinkles (upper left) when bent. I remember using a silver coated nickle plate. You put the wet finished print on the plate an rolled over the back with a rubber roller to get that shiny surface. We had a drug store on the corner that processed all our film. At that time we did not take a lot of pictures because of the cost.
I did doctor the photo with a scan on our all-in-one and then used Picassa edit tool to add contrast and take out photo blemishes. I deliberately did not take out all of the spots etc. It is, of course, 1956 !