An incredibly beautiful little town.
What amazes me is the quality of photos that you can make with the small point and shoot digital cameras! I can remember the days when you had to wait to see if you got the shot... and in the process snap off about a dozen photos at 40cents each hoping one of them might be a 'keeper'

If you are wondering, the church in the background, tying the composition together is the State Lutheran Church. The Swedes take their "church" seriously. In fact we were told that before a new town is established, the government builds a church first before anything else. (Don't know if that is fokelore or not).
I became interested in photography at the age of 10 or so. I learned darkroom processing when my parents bought me a complete set (second hand). I never really perfected darkroom techniques until in college when I did most of the photography (from camera to yearbook). I could never afford good equipment, but did the best with what I had.
I remember telling myself, when digital cameras first came out, that I would NEVER go digital. Well, my first digi was a Nikon Coolpix, the first generation. After I started seeing the results from that 2Meg camera, I virtually stopped using 35mm cameras. Say, I have a really well-kept Olympus OM system, complete with original Olympus lenses... if you want the set, let me know... make me an offer I can't refuse. (I am so 'sold' on digital, I have no real desire to shoot 35 anymore- something I thought would never happen.)