Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Friends Facing the Future

This is a message for my dear friends, John, Jill and Josh, who read my blogs regularly.

You know our God is Mighty, and has Power beyond all knowledge. You trust in our Savior, and testify of His love and mercy in your lives. There are no sermons that can adequately address all that is happening in your lives at the moment. There are no words that can 'fix it' for you.

BUT, there is Love from the "Father of Lights" that surrounds you and, amazingly enough, comes by means of God's people on occasion. That we can be a little help to you in your need gives us joy beyond words. Our church family is hovering over you in prayer as you face the illness (and related issues) that God has allowed you face at this time in your ongoing relationship with Him.

Don't give up. We love you.